
About Us

Encorporated in the year 2015 with a view to bridge the gap for availability of technology and price for users in IT, Satellite Communication and Broadcast industries. Products which are currently being imported are with overheads like Currency fluctuations, Import Duty, Freight costs, etc. DDSat Technologies aim to manufacture these products in India to benefits of Indian users. Over the period of couple of years, we have developed dedicated team of engineers for Design and Development of PRODUCTS which are used in Satellite Communication, Broadcast and IT industries.

Few of them from Porduct list:

1. Satellite Antenna Controller (ACU)

2. HPA Waveguide Switch 1:1 Controller

3. LNB 1:1 Switch Controller

4. Intelligent Mains Distribution Unit 1U, 0U, etc

5. Many more product to come up for Remote monitoring over network for improving our infrastructure

6. Customized products as per customer need.

Our Core Team


Dhiraj Kumar

Founder Director

Dhiraj –well connected and recognized in the Industry having twenty three years of experience in the field of RF, VSAT and Broadcast. Expertese include VSAT and Satellite Broadcast Network Design, Program Management- VSAT, Teleport and Event Uplink

Heading Product Development and Technical Operations

Professionally associated with organizations like: Beltron Telecommunication.., Punwire Mobile.., HFCL Satellite.., Essel Shyam.., Sony Professional Solutions.., Hathway Digital..


Shweta Sinha

Managing Director

Shweta studied Bachlors of Computer Applications and is very innovative in her thoughts. She has over 5 years experience in business strategies, planning and development. Over these years, she has consistently sharpened her skills and experience understanding market requirements and bridging the availability and price gaps..

Heading Business, Finance and Administration

Ask her solution for your product requirements by clicking the "Contact Us" button below: